Crossover/Cruce de Vías
Created by Cara Jaye (Washington) and Miguel Rivera (Mexico) in 2004 as a spontaneous collaboration that has now expanded to include the taking and trading of artworks by more than 30 artists from over ten countries, Crossover/Cruce de Vías addresses issues of exchange, borders, authorship, travel and the interplay within collaboration. The diverse body of more than 150 works incorporate drawing, collage, photography, painting and printmaking techniques as artists use layers and multiple viewpoints to form an active and ongoing dialogue on crossing borders and nationalities, bridging differences and expressing commonalities while sending work across actual borders.
2015 Crossover/Cruce de Vias, Western Gallery - Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
2013 Crossover KC-BsAS, Projecto’ACE Buenos Aires, Argentina
2012 Crossover KC, Kansas City Artists Coalition, Kansas City, MO
2006 Crossover/Cruce de Vias, Shift Gallery, Seattle WA and Galleria Jesus Garcia, Guanajuato, Mexico