“Individually, we make isolated choices that may have only a tiny impact on CO2 levels, but that impact will echo almost forever.” - Dale Durran
Durran’s research on CO2 in the atmosphere and his quote about the lasting impact of CO2 particles have been the inspiration behind these pieces. The idea of echoing and rippling provided a starting point and focus for me to begin the work, creating images that engage with abstraction and repetition of form.
The use of repeated forms suggests transmission, communication, and compounded impact on the environment. It seems to me that one of the big hurdles in enacting personal change is the notion that one’s own actions are too small – one feels insignificant, and this leads to despondency and inaction. I intend to encourage the viewer to see how small actions can, not only “echo almost forever,” but ripple out and multiply. Ultimately, I hope to inspire viewers to connect and engage with the scientific information on a level which will propel them to make personal changes that, when multiplied, will yield immense results. I aim to create work that generates emotional responses from the community, creates personal connections, and engages with these issues in a lasting manner.
The blue color used in these pieces’ reference both air and water and is a starting point in all the images. I am also considering the terrestrial carbon cycle. New growth in spring (bright green) takes up carbon. In autumn leaves drop to the forest floor and decay - returning carbon to the atmosphere (orange, yellow, red, brown). This is the natural cycle. To this we add anthropogenic carbon dioxide, through processes probably most visible as smoke from combustion, either factory, diesel, or wildfires (shades of gray).
The work is made up of cyanotype in concert with encaustic paint. Cyanotype suggests both water and atmosphere and makes a strong ground for further layers of material. Cyanotype is one of the earliest forms of photography – an early photo process that was invented by Sir John Herschel in England in 1842. Cyanotype solution is made from Ferric Ammonium Citrate and Potassium Ferricyanide mixed with distilled water. It is brushed directly onto paper and is contact printed with exposure to UV light. Encaustic painting is a form of painting that combines pigment with beeswax and damar resin. Encaustic is an ancient form of painting on panels, dating back to the Greeks and Egyptians from about 100–300 AD.
Using these ancient techniques provides a link to the past. Thinking about these historical connections with the past, the eternity of the Earth, and the Anthropocene links these common elements and ideas. Our dependance on a habitable planet as a recent concept, combined with the wisdom of the past and the possibility of new solutions may suggest a way forward. By making small changes that can ripple and make an impact on our environment, we can find a path to the future that is sustainable and secure.
Durran Article WashingtonPost